Ivan Evigvår - trolden i Munkhom, Mariager

12 gratis oplevelser for børn i naturen

Photo: Destination Himmerland @Thomas_Damsbo

I Himmerland er der masser af oplevelser for familier med børn - også oplevelser, som ikke koster noget. Alligevel er I sikre på at blive rige på oplevelser, nærvær og ikke mindst gode minder fra en himmelsk ferie i Himmerland. 


12 sjove oplevelser i naturen

Der er mange skønne perler og hyggelige aktiviteter for børn. Og så gør det jo ikke noget, det ikke koster så meget. Her har vi samlet vores bud på fede ferieoplevelser med børn.

Ønsker I endnu mere inspiration til, hvad man kan opleve i naturen eller hvordan man er aktiv med børnene kan I finde masser af god viden, sjove lege, fede natursteder og meget mere på Naturekspeditionen.dk og Mariagerfjordguiden.dk

The troll Ivan Evigvår in Mariager
Photo: Destination Himmerland

The troll Ivan Evigvår in Mariager

Deep within Munkholm Anlægget in Mariager, resides a truly special creature. Take your friends and family into the deep stillness of the forest and see if you can find the mighty troll Ivan Evigvår.

Arden Animal Park
Photo: Torben Christensen

Arden Animal Park

In Arden Animal Park, there is an opportunity to get up close to free-roaming fallow deer in a beautiful natural area.

The Clover Trails in Øster Hurup
Photo: Destination Himmerland

The Clover Trails in Øster Hurup

We welcome you to The Clover Paths in Øster Hurup, which is for you who want to go out and combine experiences and fresh air with exercise on your vacation. Explore the beautiful nature and get to kno...

Store Blåkilde
Photo: Destination Himmerland

Store Blåkilde

One of Rold Skov's most visited natural gems.

Playground at Limfjordsmuseet
Photo: Destination Himmerland

Playground at Limfjordsmuseet

On the playground at Limfjordsmuseet children can have fun and play pirates on a ship, pilots and parachutists in a cable car and even fish in a net. Only the imagination makes the limits.

While the ...

The Mythological Playground
Photo: Destination Himmerland

The Mythological Playground

Let the children go wild at the Mythological Playground at Vikingemuseum Fyrkat, where they can explore the world of the Vikings and learn about the Norse gods through play and education.

Hadsund Deer Park
Photo: Destination Himmerland

Hadsund Deer Park

Get up close with deer and cuddle with goats at Hadsund Deer Park. A unique experience for the whole family

Playground in the Park
Photo: Destination Himmerland

Playground in the Park

You will find the area’s largest playground in the most idyllic and peaceful surroundings in Farsø park.  

The parents can enjoy a cup of coffee with a view over the large with lots of animal life in...

Vilsted Lake
Photo: Destination Himmerland

Vilsted Lake

Vilsted Lake is a beautiful and peaceful lake surrounded by scenic surroundings, serving as an oasis for visitors.

Lille Vildmose – a nature area
Photo: VisitMariagerFjord

Lille Vildmose – a nature area

Lille Vildmose, with an area of over 7,600 hectares, is Denmark’s largest protected natural area. It’s larger than Fanø in the Wadden Sea. You can investigate the Vildmose area, on the edge of the Kat...

Rold Skov
Photo: Thomas Rousing

Rold Skov

Farthest north in the scenic Himmerland lies one of Denmark's largest natural forests, Rold Skov. Rold Skov offers great experiences for both adults and children. Here you'll...

Fossils in Himmerland
Photo: Destination Himmerland

Fossils in Himmerland

Go fossil hunting in Himmerland and discover petrified remains of animals that are several million years old.


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