Shelter in Klejtrup By- og Legepark
Spend the night in a shelter in Klejtrup By- og Legepark – a cheap alternative to your trip
Contact not necessary. For reservation call: 0045 9854 6387 or 0045 6137 2928.
The place is full of activities, two shelters and a camp hut. If it is not being used by others or is reserved, the place is free to use. The place has covered tables and benches, beach volley fields, amphitheater, playground, petanque, climbing frame, flower garden, camp hut, campfire and hammocks.
Directions: If you are arriving to Klejtrup at Klejtrupvej (from east/from Hobro), you have to continue through the town from Klejtrupvej (which becomes Brovej) and straight ahead at Viborgvej. Once you have passed the crossroad to Viborgvej, you turn left at Skårupvej and 700 meters down, you turn left.