Oldtidsruten - Hiking Trail in Alstrup Krat and Hohøj
The Oldtidsrute from Hohøj through Alstrup Krat offers an atmospheric journey through a hilly landscape with diverse types of nature.
Alstrup Krat is a natural area just outside Mariager, up the hill along Havndalvej. The area around Alstrup Krat offers several millennia of Danish history and marked hiking trails. The ancient route passes by Hohøj, one of the largest burial mounds in Northern Europe. It majestically sits atop the hill, providing a wonderful view of both Mariager Fjord and Kastbjerg Ådal. The hill area around Hohøj is about 110 meters above the fjord. Hohøj's size is surpassed in Denmark only by the Jelling Mounds.
Near Hohøj, there is an information center where you can read stories about Hohøj and the surrounding area. Along the route, you will find information boards that tell of settlements from before the Roman Iron Age, coal mines, and shelters from World War II.
If you're up for a longer hike, you can take the 5 km Hohøj route. This route also passes through the idyllic town center of Mariager, as well as Alstrup Krat and Hohøj.