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Louns Church

With one of the best locations in Himmerland, Lovns Church overlooks Lovns Bredning and dates all the way back to the year 1300.

The church is situated overlooking Lovns Bredning, externally constructed with monk stones and internally with hewn rubble stones.

The church dates back to around 1300 and, despite its Romanesque floor plan, originates from the early years of the Gothic period. To the west, a bell tower with a bell from 1684 has been erected. The altarpiece is a copy of Carl Bloch's painting depicting the Resurrection. The baptismal font is Romanesque, made of granite with a smooth basin.

At the stairs leading to the pulpit, there is a piece of a large rubble stone. Smooth on one side, and a square recess with space to place a stone slab over it like a sort of lid. The stone is from the old altar and is likely as old as the church itself. The recess, which is a reliquary or a saint's tomb, was laid down at the church's consecration.

The stone piece from the church's altar was found bricked into the refuse pit at the church dike some years ago. The entire altar slab was probably broken and discarded in a stone heap during the Reformation when all things Catholic were fervently purged and discarded.

From October to January, the church is not open. During this time, one must contact the gravedigger at Lounsvej 7 or the rectory to borrow a key.

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